Fort McMurray Tourism Giving You 40 Things To Do in Wood Buffalo

Fort McMurray Tourism is helping you get out and explore our region throughout the year.

In celebration of its 40th anniversary, the organization has released an online blog of 40 things you can do in the RWMB, whether it be going to a Fort McMurray Giants games at Shell Place to picnics on the Snye or exploring the sand dunes.

Sport Tourism Manager Tyler Cole tells Mix News they’re trying to reduce the stigma that there’s nothing to do here in our community.

“I think a lot of people, even if you’ve lived here for 20 years, you might look at this list and say, ‘I never thought about going to do that’ or ‘I’ve never heard of that I’m going to look that up and see what its all about’.

The full list can be found at

If you enjoy one of the 40 suggestions, Tourism is encouraging you share your adventures on social media with #exploreymm.

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