Here’s a bit of a reality check about TikTok. Those weight loss tips you see all over the platform? They might be doing more harm than good, especially for young women. A study from Charles Sturt University in Australia found that just 8 minutes of exposure to certain content—especially the pro-anorexia stuff—can mess with self-esteem and increase the risk of developing an eating disorder.
And here’s the kicker: this harm can happen even if you’re not actively looking for that content. The study, which looked at 273 university-aged women, also found that those who spend more than 2 hours a day on TikTok are more likely to have disordered eating habits.

So, while I might not be worried about developing anorexia myself, it’s clear that I need to get a head start on my 8 year old Ariel and make sure she NEVER has access. And as much as I hate to say it, TikTok might just be a bit of a problem.