Fantasy Football Season is Back and I’ve Already Lost

We’re into the 4th quarter of summer which means the NFL and fantasy football season are about to kickoff. Extreme fans of the sport have started gathering in groups to choose the players which they believe will lead them to the fantasy promise land.

The last time I participated in a fantasy football league was probably 8 years ago and I was a long shot from claiming the title. I’m a full time Philadelphia Eagles fan, but a part time NFL fan. I don’t keep a close tab on all the teams and players so when it comes to picking players for my team this year, I’m throwing a hail Mary and basically donating money to a buddy’s wallet.

There is 100 different tips and tricks I’ve looked at to better my chances of winning this year and none of them really were convincing. The strategy I’m using is picking the players who are the next highest on the list of availability and just hoping they produce haha.

Its still a long ways away, but when the dust settles and the football season is over, I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m the one doing some ridiculous fantasy football punishment.

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