Did you know the Worlds LARGEST beaver dam is located around 3 hours North of Fort McMurray?
Yup! Wood Buffalo National Park is home to a 2,000 meter beaver damn which has had GENERATIONS of beavers contributing to the build.
It’s around 1 meter deep and holds around 70,000 cubic meters of water, but that’s not the crazy part. The crazy part is, it’s SO BIG that you can actually see it from space, and scientists accidentally discovered it while they were studying the surrounding area back in 2009.
Here’s come cool comparisons: The front area of the actual damn is roughly the length of 7 football fields, and the whole thing is about 1600 hockey rinks full of water! (That’s 92,000 dump trucks of water)

I wouldn’t suggest going on a trip to look for it though, it would be miserable and wet. It’s around 22km south of Claire Lake, it’s a semi-aquatic area and there is no trails or waterways to even navigate through. It can’t even be reached by land, and helicopters are not permitted to land, although you might be able to charter a plane or pay for a private sight seeing tour to go see it.
Still pretty cool to have something like this just North of our city!
Story via Parks Canada