Former Fort McMurray resident is going viral for chasing off porch pirates

A 30-year-old woman, Danielle MacPherson, who grew up in Fort McMurray but is now living in Calgary, has quickly gained internet fame after a group of porch pirates tried to steal her Hello Fresh meal kit order, which had been left on her doorstep.

Danielle MacPherson was enjoying her coffee on a Sunday morning when the delivery arrived at her front step.

Less than a minute later, things took a turn when she spotted a stranger heading up her walkway, with a getaway car following behind her.

The woman grabbed MacPhersons package, and started to take off. But the she didn’t make it very far because Danielle (who was still in her robe and slippers) ran so fast out her door, FLEW over her steps and managed to get the thief to drop her package. She gave the woman a little push, and someone standing at the getaway car called her “effing psycho”.

In the door cam video, you can see Danielle quickly running up behind the getaway car (after fixing her slipper) to get the license plate, which you can hear her repeat over and over.

Police are investigating and are hoping to lay charges.

Some heroes wear capes, others wear bathrobes!

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