Study: Drinking 1 Can Pop Takes 12 Minutes Off Your Life

Do you remember hearing that each cigarette takes away precious minutes of your life? I remember learning it was about 7-10 minutes. Well, that number has gotten worse.

Recent research from 2024 shows the time lost has now doubled since the 2000 statistic, which dates back to the 1980s. That means smoking just one pack could cost you seven hours of your life.

Additionally, A University of Michigan study recently found that each can of sugary pop you drink takes away 12 minutes of your life.

Don’t worry, we can balance this out though! 30g of nuts and seeds can help add 25 minutes of healthy life! Fish too!

So if you think about it, you can drink a pop, lose some minutes…and then eat some nuts or fish and get those minutes right back!

Balance. Amirite????

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