Multicultural Association to Host Virtual Pot Luck

The Multicultural Association of Wood Buffalo is inviting you to a virtual pot luck.

With hopes to bring a sense of community in the time of social distancing, the organization has created a Facebook event where people can share traditional family dishes that inspire comfort and well-being through photos, videos, recipes, and stories.

“Every family has a go-to comfort food, we are inviting our community to come together online to share these dishes,” said Therese Greenwood, MCA Executive Director, in a release. “We want to see everything from mushroom biryani to Jiggs dinner to Dutch green pea soup to moose stew and bannock.”

The event will last until April 5th and is part of a series of the MCA is hosting called “Multicultural YMM: Messages from Home.”

Each week a new virtual cultural event in the series will be posted and all are welcome to attend online. They will feature games, songs, dance, books and other traditional parts of culture that connect families.

“This is an opportunity for us to come together and celebrate our strengths as a community,” added Greenwood.

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