Last week John and I spoke about a London, ON man named Mike Jack, who broke a Guinness World Record and ate 25 Carolina Reaper peppers in 4 minutes and 36 seconds.
(watch him down the reapers HERE)
Every since then, I figured HEY WHY NOT TRY A REAPER! Definitely not 25 of them, but 2 is a start, right?
Our news guy Mr. John Tupper grows the peppers, so he decided to bring me two of the smallest ones he had.

Going in, I was so scared because I saw John’s Carolina Reaper video (watch that HERE)…so I was fully prepared to freak out.
It was one of the easiest SPICY things I’ve ever eaten. Didn’t break a sweat, no crying, no yelling…NOTHING!

Anyone wanna try and beat me and do 3?
Check out the full video on our social media pages!