Majority of Amendments For Bill C-69 Rejected, Wood Buffalo Affirming Stance Against Federal Bills

Many of the proposed amendments made to Bill C-69 are apparently being rejected by the federal government.

The Senate passed the federal bill, which would have made it virtually impossible to build pipelines, last week after making around 180 amendments.

However, around 126 of the proposed amendments were rejected.

Speaking with Mix News last week, Senator Doug Black noted the bill would only work if all the changes were followed.

“Without the full package of amendments I am told it just won’t work.”

Black says he was also fearful the government would ‘cherry pick’ the amendments.

“They’re going to send that back to the senate in a way that’s not going to work for First Nation groups that want to build pipelines, to be involved in industry – it’s not going to work for the government of Alberta, it’s not going to work for industry.”

Premier Jason Kenney also took to social media to share his disappointment with the changes noting the federal government is ignoring grave concerns of provinces, employers, and First Nations.

Alberta Energy Minister Sonya Savage says not accepting these changes will have drastic effects.

“They are willing to sacrifice every single one of the 533,000 jobs created by the oil and gas industry across Canada in an attempt to fill a misguided political promise.

“One of the reasons for the prolonged economic adversity in Alberta is the flight of tens of billions of dollars in capital – primarily from our oil and gas sector.

RMWB Sharing Concerns

The municipality is also showing their concern over Bill C-69 if these changes aren’t accepted.

Wood Buffalo council approved a resolution on Tuesday asking the federal government to pass the bill with the proposed amendments.

Mayor Don Scott says this bill will have a negative impact on this region.

“This is just another barrier – everytime this region wants to run forward another level of government sticks its foot out and trips us and that’s exactly what’s happening.”

The resolution also includes asking the government to reject Bill C-48, the proposed tanker ban bill.

Wood Buffalo is one of many communities across Alberta who are requesting these measures.

“We want to see Alberta oil and our energy industry and our energy infrastructure supported,” added Scott.

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