Dunvegan Gardens is closing its operations in Wood Buffalo.
The organization officially closed their shop in Draper and are now discontinuing their landscaping business.
VP of Operations Brad Friesen tells Mix News they’ll still be around possibly working for other businesses, but that may be temporary.
He says it’s a very big possibility they look at offering their services to another community.
“I hoped to stay and die in this community, now that’s opening up for me to be somewhere else when I die.”
Dunvegan had been shutting down different parts of their operations over the past year.
This after Wood Buffalo council voted against changing their boundary in Draper which meant they couldn’t continue to run their retail store and keep animals on the property.
Friesen believes the community is losing a landmark.
“Between our Easter egg hunt, other special events, birthday parties, one or two weddings we do a year – there were different things we offered and there’s no more.”
Dunvegan, at their peak, employed 150 workers.
“Like to thank my employees over the years and all the support we got from the community, all the people, and it’s been a great place to do business the past 20 years.”