If you’ve ever been to Lake Louise than you probably have a photo like mine: one where it’s just you and the mountains. Turn the camera around to show what your photographer is standing in however, and it’s pure chaos.
Another place you’ll find some chaos is in the parking lot. I’ve had the privilege of going each year since moving to Alberta in 2016 and I’ve seen it all.
The Spot Stealers: Folks who speed forwards into a parking spot that someone is backing into and risk a collision and an arguement.
The Gravel Chefs: Hikers who arrive early to get a spot but without time to make their breakfast cook it on a portable stove set up on the ground behind their car.
The Passenger Pylon: A human standing in an open spot they saw from their passenger seat a couple rows away, will jump out of the car to save it while waiting for their driver to get through the long line of cars who got there before them.
The Vultures: The vehicles that have been driving around the lot over and over again – just hoping someone will leave before a Parks Canada person makes them move along.
Made You Looks: People who forgot something in their vehicle, they’re walking away from The Lake but they’re not leaving.
RV Rentees: The tourists who are no longer excited to be at Lake Louise. Even though they had a special place to park their giant house on wheels, it took their last nerves to get into the spot and they’ve taken up two of them.
If you’re looking to avoid the classification this summer – you could skip the parking lot all together. Parks Canada introduced a fee to park back in 2021 and it’s been steadily rising ever since. This year it’ll be $36.75, up from $21.00 last year. They hope this will encourage folks to use the shuttle. It’s best to book in advance to avoid any headaches and registration will open on April 18th. The park and ride will run you 8.00 for an adult, half price for seniors and free for those 18 and under.
Another option is renting an E-Bike. It won’t be cheaper than parking – but it will be a far more fun adventure. I went this route last summer and I have to admit, even with the pedal assist I didn’t think I was going to make it up the mountain. The ride down on the other hand, was breezy! With my breaks on I was still clocking 32km/h!
Whatever way you choose to enjoy Lake Louise this summer, I hope the person you ask to take the photo of you in the most beautiful picturesque spot in Canada, knows how to put it in portrait mode.