Finally a name for the reason why I have a hard time napping when the weather is nice.
I’m in the 4am risers club and when people hear that they often ask if I go to bed early or nap in the afternoon – my answer is always “Not if it’s sunny.”
On an overcast day I know I’ll get a nap in – but I feel like I’m missing out if the sun is streaming through the windows and I’m expected just to what? Sleep through it?
Enter TikToker Renee Raina; who has coined the term “Sunshine Guilt”
In her extremely relatable viral video she says: “I am experiencing sunshine guilt right now. It is an abnormally beautiful day outside, but I’m tired.”
“So now I feel this pressure to go outside and go for a walk and enjoy the weather while it lasts. I can’t enjoy myself indoors now, because the whole time, I’m thinking that I should be outside. So basically, my day is ruined.”
Do you experience this too?
I find it’s especially hard to sleep in the spring and summer months here in Fort McMurray because the sun is out and beckoning from 4am to 11pm.
“Don’t worry” I tell people who think my sleep habits must be bad for my health… “I’ll sleep in the fall”.